Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
for primary schools & professionals
working with children


Online self-paced learning, 10 lessons with videos


This program has been developed in consultation with educators, school guidance counsellors, psychologists and child behavioural experts. Our aim was to develop this program ‘look inside’ to assist school counsellors, psychologists, teachers, social workers and anyone working with children as an early intervention program to teach Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills (DBT) to children in a child appropriate way.

Lesson Subject
This program has been developed to assist school counsellors, psychologists, teachers, social workers and anyone working with children as an early intervention program to teach Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills (DBT) to children in a child appropriate way. The 10 lesson program can be adapted and used as a whole Term program at school or as individual lessons in a therapeutic setting. The program can be kept forever to refer back to. Lesson plans and resources including digital resources are all included plus video presentations by Megan Shiell and Evie Bowes.
Look inside – Flip the Lid – work out what is happening in your brain. Is your thinking in charge? Or is your feeling in charge? Who is the boss? (Mindfulness skill)
Choices – Dialectics. The TIPP skill – Change that feeling when its uncomfortable. (Distress Tolerance Skill)
Mindfulness. STOPP skill. What are my emotions doing? Check the Facts. (Emotion regulation skill)
States of Mind. Where is my WISE MIND? How could I distract? (Mindfulness and distress tolerance skills)
The Laugh Skill. Coping Ahead. Improve the moment (Emotion regulation and Distress Tolerance Skills)
PLEASE skill, Have I had food, water, sleep, exercise. How do I look after myself? (Emotion Regulation skill)
How do I talk to others? Friends, repairs, Cheerleading(Interpersonal Effectiveness skill)
Reality Acceptance – We are not in control of everything
Willfulness, Willingness, Pros and Cons
Mindfulness, Self-Soothe and Building Mastery
What three things can I do right now for feel better? (Distress Tolerance)


  • To provide children with psychoeducation around what happens inside of them when they become dysregulated, and how it affects learning. 
  • To introduce this program and inspire children to become their own detectives as they look inside.  
  • To begin to weave in skills found in Dialectical Behavioural Therapy that can help to cultivate mindfulness, emotional regulation, distress tolerance and effective interpersonal communication.
  • To introduce skills to aid with quick emotional regulation eg TIPP skill (Temperature, Intense Exercise, Paced Breathing, Paired Muscle Relaxation).
  • To give children an experiential opportunity to experience the effect of those skills on themselves.
  • To introduce the Dialectical concepts that “We are doing the best that we can with what we have” AND “We can also do better”. 
  • To introduce the idea that if we cannot solve the problem- just don’t make it worse!
  • To provide children with psychoeducation around the core skill of mindfulness.   
  • To introduce children to the mindfulness skills of STOPP and Check the Facts. 
  • To find positive words of encouragement around mindfulness, emotional regulation and distress tolerance eg “I’ve done the best i can right now” “I can practice more skills next time” “Emotions come and go, I don’t need to step on the train” “I can take care of myself during stormy weather” “If I can’t find a solution, I just try not to make things worse”. 
  • To provide children with psychoeducation around the States of Mind: Wise Mind, Emotion Mind and Reason Mind.   
  • To introduce children to the distraction skill of Wise Mind ‘Accepts’ and Self Soothing with the Senses. 
  • To create a Distraction Skills ‘Treasure’ Box in the classroom that can continue to be created throughout the program.
  • To provide children with psychoeducation around the need to increase positive emotion in their life via the Laugh skill and the Improve the Moment Skill in DBT.
  • Unfold the concept that life is made of moments and we can shift how we feel in these moments. 
  • Embodiment activities to integrate things that make you feel good and generate positive emotion.  
  • To provide children with psychoeducation around the need to both notice and take care of their physical bodies.
  • To outline the link between physical and mental wellbeing.
  • To provide children a checklist of things to assess within themselves.
  • To provide children options around what to do if they are feeling physically and/or emotionally vulnerable. 
  • To provide children with a framework around how to relate in healthy ways both with peers and adults using integrated DBT skills such as Being Friends, Make Repairs, DEAR and Cheerleading. 
  • To provide children a framework to repair relationships when they have been ruptured.
  • To provide children a creative way to practice these skills.
  • To normalize the feelings around relating with others. 
  • To help children build discernment around what they can and cannot control.
  • To facilitate the skill of Radical Acceptance around things that they do not have control over.
  • To help young people practice Mindfulness skills around Willfullness and Willingness using embodiment techniques.
  • To recap emotional regulation skills with children when they are faced with situations beyond their control.
  • To help children build on the Skills of Mindfulness, Mastery and Self- Soothing
  • To recap skills and celebrate successes.
  • Introduction to Chain Analyses

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) for primary schools & professionals working with children

Online self-paced learning, 10 lessons with videos




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